Wi-Fi, step by step

author:linea, jozee


If you want to use your Wi-Fi right away, this page is not for you. You should look at the Wi-Fi configuration, easy method tutorial which explains how to use the tools given by SliTaz. But if you want to know how to use Wi-Fi (under Linux), this page will explain how, and help you to configure it from scratch. Before continuing:

  • You should know the kernel module needed by your Wi-Fi card.
  • If you need any firmware; you should know where to download it.

We are going to:

  1. Install any useful software and firmware.
  2. Load the kernel module.
  3. Configure the Wi-Fi connection.
  4. Configure WPA.
  5. Get connected and surf.
  6. Shutdown Wi-Fi.


On SliTaz, the script /usr/bin/get-wifi-firmware takes care of steps 1 and 2, and the script /etc/init.d/network.sh; steps 3 to 6.

Install needed software

You’ll need the Wi-Fi kernel modules and some software to manage Wi-Fi. If you are using a WPA key, you’ll also need wpa_supplicant:

# tazpkg get-install linux-wireless
# tazpkg get-install wireless_tools
# tazpkg get-install wpa_supplicant

If you need firmware:

# cd /lib/firmware
# wget http://www.address/of/my/firmware

Untar to install:

# tar -xvf my_firmware.tar*
# rm my_firmware.tar*

Load the kernel module

# modprobe -v my_module

If you’ve got errors, verify that your firmware is where it should be and look at dmesg:

$ ls -l /lib/firmware
$ dmesg

If you don’t have any errors, you can continue.

Configure Wi-Fi interface

Before configuring a new interface, you should de-configure the old one. If your ethernet interface is configured, you should:

# ifconfig eth0 down

iwconfig allows you to configure your Wi-Fi card, so that it can connect to your access point. You need to know the name of your Wi-Fi interface (usually wlan0 or eth1). If you don’t know its name, just run iwconfig:

# iwconfig

Now we can configure your Wi-Fi interface and start it:

# ifconfig WIFI_INTERFACE up
# iwconfig WIFI_INTERFACE txpower on

Let’s test that the card works:

# iwlist scan

If you’ve got a list of access points you can now tell your Wi-Fi interface which ESSID to connect to:

# iwconfig WIFI_INTERFACE essid MY_ESSID

iwconfig can also accept others args, look at its man page to know more.

Configure a WEP or WPA key

You can easily configure a WEP key with iwconfig:

# iwconfig WIFI_INTERFACE key my_wep_key

But you should always use a WPA key, because WEP keys can be easily cracked with aircrack, as noted here, wpa_supplicant allows you to use a WPA key (some cards may use WPA without wpa_supplicant). It needs a config file. Usually, /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf. If you are using wpa_psk (normally, you are), add this to the file:


Or try:

     key_mgmt=WPA-EAP WPA-PSK IEEE8021X NONE
     group=CCMP TKIP WEP104 WEP40
     pairwise=CCMP TKIP

It’s now possible to launch wpa_supplicant:

# wpa_supplicant -B -w -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -DWPA_DRIVER -iWIFI_INTERFACE

WPA_DRIVER is the name of the driver used by wpa_supplicant. Usually, it’s wext, but sometimes, another is needed. Here is a list of possible drivers:

wext Linux wireless extensions (generic, should work in most cases)
hostap Host AP driver (Intersil Prism2/2.5/3)
wired wpa_supplicant wired Ethernet driver

The option -B launches wpa_supplicant as a daemon. If you want to kill it:

# killall wpa_supplicant

Get connected

If you want to connect in DHCP, just run:

# /sbin/udhcpc -b -i WIFI_INTERFACE -p /var/run/udhcpc.WIFI_INTERFACE.pid

Normally, you should be surfing!

Turn off Wi-Fi

To stop Wi-Fi, you should shutdown your Wi-Fi card, and stop the wpa_supplicant and UDHCPC daemons:

# iwconfig WIFI_INTERFACE txpower off
# kill `cat /var/run/udhcpc.WIFI_INTERFACE.pid`
# killall wpa_supplicant

You can also unload the kernel module:

# rmmod my_module