Build your own custom Linux Kernel for SliTaz

author:linea, fandesandro, jozee, seawolf, ernia, woodt

Prepare your system

  • Install the slitaz-toolchain meta package. This package contains the required base files.

    • binutils
    • linux-headers
    • glibc-dev
    • gcc
    • make
    # tazpkg get-install slitaz-toolchain
  • Install the packages required to configure and compile the kernel sources.

    • ncurses-dev
    • perl
    # tazpkg get-install ncurses-dev
    # tazpkg get-install perl
  • SliTaz provides a linux-source package. The kernel source tree will be downloaded from the mirror, installed to the /usr/src/linux-VERSION directory, and patched for SliTaz.

    # tazpkg get-install linux-source
    # /usr/bin/get-linux-source
    # ls -l /usr/src
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root       21 Jul 21 21:27 linux -> linux-
    drwxrwxr-x 23 root root     4096 Jul 21 22:41 linux-
    -rw-r--r--  1 root root 48589640 Jul 21 21:28 linux-

Configure and Compile

The Linux kernel source tree is now ready to configure and compile.

  • Go to the directory that contains the kernel source tree.

    # cd /usr/src/linux
  • Prepare the build from the default configuration.

    # make oldconfig && make prepare
  • Modify the kernel configuration to your needs, and compile.

  • The menuconfig allows you to customise the kernel, which is built into the bzImage file. Any modules are built and then installed in to the /usr/include directory. You should then copy the kernel itself to the /boot directory.

    # make menuconfig
    # make
    # make modules
    # make modules_install
    # cp arch/x86/boot/bzImage /boot
  • Configure the boot-loader (optional)

    # leafpad /boot/grub/menu.lst
  • Add the new kernel to the list

    # My kernel:
    title       SliTaz GNU/Linux (cooking) (Kernel <VERSION>)
                root (hd0,1)
                kernel /boot/bzImage root=/dev/sda2